Monday, March 8, 2010

Taamu Ureu - Verdict?

Is it time yet for a verdict on Ta'amu? Is it a "Hit"?

Personally, I'm filing it under easy listening.



Avi said...

The track? The whole recording? Lonely Rick's Niggun? What? Why haven't you posted anything? Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio? Why the Jews? Who knows One? What's the matter, Maw? How does it feel? Can we make it work? Who let the dogs out? Do you know? And don't you know? What's the Shaila? (What's the Ra'aya!?) Can you feel the love tonight? Can you see the clouds of Shabbos? Can you feel the wind?

A few questions I'd like you to answer.

Peretz said...

The whole album.
Because i haven't had time to post anything.
He Dayd.
I know one, AND Two!
I'm done answering questions.