Monday, February 2, 2009

Birkat Hallel - Safam

Safam means mustache. Their emblem was a 1920s 'stache with 1920s glasses. And googly eyes.

Over the years they put out a SMASHING collection of folk/rock/jazz Jewish music (was that ambiguous enough?). We used to listen to them on records... Lots of topical lyrics.

Here's a sampling of their very moving song called Just Another Foreigner: "I met a man in Addis Ababa / his skin was black and his features kind of strange / he showed me a book that he said was the Torah / he spoke of his people, Falasha was their name. / Just another foreigner in another foreign land / but I knew he was my brother as he took me by the hand / singing Au tanastali, Salaam aleikhem. [CHOIR: Aleichem Shalom, Shalom Aleichem!]

Holy CRAP I need that recording!!!!!!!

So this is off the album "Songs for the Jewish Holidays" that I found in the Brooklyn Public Library about 2 years ago. The final four tracks run through Hallel pretty much from beginning to end. This is the brocha and the first paragraph.



Peretz said...

So, should we expect droshos with every post now?

Avi said...

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Anonymous said...

איך פארשטיי דא גארניט נישט
סאיז דא עמעצער וואס קען מיר איבערזעצן?
וכאן הבן שאול "וואס וועט זיין מיט פרץ'ס ווייטאג?"
נו, ווי שלום אליכם האט אמאל געזגט "בלוט וועט גיסן אין גאסען אבער שלום וועט זיין"

Peretz said...

B'Kitzur: S'Iz do a klaine potz mit a groise muyel, vos ken nit beshtelen a nigun un a drosho...

Anonymous said...

mamembery of the first time I heard this just came to me. sweet to hear again, toda!

Anonymous said...

גאר אזוי?

Anonymous said...

Avi: Might you have a song by the TZ boys choir possibly titled Hiney Anochi, you know like the really nice one.