Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Niggun R' Zalman Zatapolski • Various

"Rabbi Tuvia Bolton is a fascinating person; not your typical artist, by any means."

So begins the completely absorbing interview between writer "Hislahavus" and Rabbi Tuvia Bolton. In it, R' Tuvia delivers a raw peek into his soul-journey and the niggun that hooked him.

Album cover photo for "Gaaguim" by Miri Davidovitz 
Eventually, in 1971, I met up with a chassid named R’ Itche Meir Kagan. And he took me to the Rebbe. I lived in Detroit, and we drove 12 hours to New York. I went into the farbrengen, that Shabbos. I heard them sing a niggun when I went in, called the Niggun of R’ Zalman Zlatopolsky...
I heard this nigun, and it knocked me out. READ MUCH MORE

It truly is a knock-out niggun. And to think "they didn't used to sing this niggun at Farbregens." But a young Jew was itching to be knocked out.

With a humble request to R' CK to please share what you can about this story from the Detroit end.

Full niggun sung by R' Dovid Horowitz (two complete versions with Yiddish explanation before each). 

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