Tuesday, December 10, 2013

TTT :: Mishefa • Solid Gold II

It is a challenge to select a TTT and stand by it. There are many songs that are okay and just not excellent; others are so off the beatin' path that it's unfair to bring them in just to beat them down. And sometimes you remember a song on a mainstream and otherwise successful musical experiment that sounds like this. And as you begin uploading, it plays. And as it plays you realize: Wow. This is actually terrible! Fantastic!

Avi Fishoff, the man behind the Solid Gold series

I think it is Gideon Levine and Yeedle singing.


Shimbo said...

Its not Yeedle, its Yossi Rose.
And is it just my computer or is the divshare not working the past 2 days?

Avi said...

Yes! Yossi Rose! I'm having the same problem with DivShare. Thought it was my computer, but apparently not.