Friday, April 26, 2013

U'vedivrei Kodshecha - Moshe Koussevitzky


This is one of the first pieces I learned from my brother when I was a little boy (SIGH), he changed the ending to fit the Lubavitch nusach so I only knew his warped version, but it's still a wonderful piece.

AVI, you will love the music at about 1:44.


Shmuel said...

The brother refers to Peretz's brother. Not my brother Peretz.

Pactura Observa said...

Ahhh.... What a voice, what a composition. If any of you are Chazones fanatics like I am, I'd tell you to first hear Roitman and then listen to this - you'll gain an appreciation of this composition and of Koussevitzky's royal Hezber.

Coolio said...!/iliv2bhap/broadcast
im broadcasting music suggest a song