Thursday, February 28, 2008

El Moleh Rachamim/Eso Einai

דן שמרון
כ"ח מנחם אב תרצ"ז - כ אדר ראשון תשס"ח

M'zoget, that he was one of the only chevre from the hierarchy of the Israeli government(s) of old who actually believed the words in the following song!

זאל ער האבן א ליכטיגן גן עדן


Avi said...

Do you think "Yosef ben Refoel" was Yossele's name? Or is it a random insert? His oyoyoy just before "lachen baal harachamim" (4:14) is quite a deal. Shkoich!

Eso einai, c'est moi favorit!

Anonymous said...

that oy yoy sounds very nasal .stark doesn't even sing through his head he sings through his nose .it is not a good coloratura at all but nasal singing.

Avi said...

Tell us, Anon, what do you YE like in life? :D (Geez! And I thought I was critical!!)

Happy Pesach,
The Staff and Stalkers of ShirShelYom

Anonymous said...

You have to admit hefgot is better .I think stark is a good baal t'fillah not a chazzan.but maybe i was too critical.still you have to admit ,that oyoyoy is more singing than chazzanus.he also takes a lot of deep breaths for a chazzan .i watched a video of stark and rand singing chazzanus ,and rand sang like a true chazzan, you could not even tell that he was singing (not that i like rand's voice too much).stark on the other i said before stark has no chest that's why he looks like that when he sings .as you can probably tell i take my chazzanus very seriously .to me moshe koussevitzky will always be the king .those concert pieces...heaven. "nuff said.

A Friend said...

This Guy is nothing less than brilliant, he has perfect pitch and is not singing through his nose. He is every bit as good as any of the great singers of our time. If he cannot be considered a worthy Cantor, I don't know who can.