Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Long Songy Short

Birkat Hamazon
Yossi Piamenta/Oteil Burbridge - Heavenly Jams Band, Live @ Crash Mansion

Click here to listen to the short version of a long song.

Now for the long version of a short story: The m4a > mp3 trial converter only does 5 minutes at a time. That's why the song ends at 5 minutes. Anyone have this song in mp3?

Hav lan v'nivrich, she'achalnu mishelo!

Come and let us bless He of Whose food we've eaten!

Baruch she'achalnu mishelo uvetuvo hagadol chayinu!

Blessed is He of Whose food we've eaten and by Whose tremendous goodness we live!

Baruch hakel hazan otanu v'et ha'olam, kulo b'tuvo, b'chen b'chesed u'verachamim rabim.

Blessed is the Lord who sustains us, along with all the world, in His goodness, grace, kindness and infinite mercy.

Noten lechem l'chol basar ki l'olam chasdo, uv'tuvo tamid lo chasar lanu v'al yechsar lanu mazon tamid,

He gives bread to all living beings for His kindness is everlasting. In His goodness we never lack, and we will never lack food.

ki hu zan um'farnes lakol v'shulchano aruch lakol, v'hikim* michya umazon l'chol briyotav asher bara brachamav. Pote'ach et yadecha umasbia lichol chai, ratzon. Baruch ata hashem, hazan et hakol.

He feeds and sustains all and his table is always set for all and [He provides]food and sustenance for all the creations that He made with mercy.
You open Your hand and satisfy every living thing its desire.
Blessed are You, Hashem, Provider of all.

*Tx person

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