Friday, May 24, 2013

Shabbos Hee • Berry Weber

On Mondays and Thrusdays, we make a "Mi Sheberiach" at the Torah, praying for the complete and imminent recovery of those mentioned. Several requests are mentioned in the Mi shebeirach text: "bless the following people...restore them and strengthen them, heal them and enliven them...".

But on shabbos, we say simply "...bless the following is Shabbos so we may not cry; the healing will come speedily. Amen!" On Shabbos, the healing is inherent; we may not and must not cry, but feel the healing.

This Yiddish song journeys along this premise:

It begins with a call-and-response between a father and his pained child. The father assures his child that he will heal soon; the child responds "I can't take it anymore!"

The chorus "Shabbos hee miliz'ok" tells how the day of Shabbos itself heals--the Refua is on the way!

The second half repeats the first, but now, the father is the child of Hashem who—channeling his Father in heaven—is reassured that the day of eternal Shabbos, complete healing and joy is imminent.

Good Shabbos!

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