Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yedid Nefesh with a Twitch

Avremele Melamed - Bruce Adler

And of course, thanks to our supporters and to Mr. Baumgarten for taking those first critical steps toward freedom by removing a portion of the Sonic Wall to allow free emigration from the isolation of DivShare to the free shores of ShirShelYom.

Thank you, Ber. Thank you. ילחו מחיל אל חיל

I once posted the Yiddish version from David Koussevitzky.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Day The Music Died

Recently, Ber SonicWalled me. I cannot access DivShare. I cannot access YouTube. I cannot access Slate or Drudge or Chrudge.

I can resign myself to the sad reality and declare:

איך גיי אין ארבייט, די ניגונים לאז איך אייך

Or I can stand up to the tyranny and ask you to join me, fellow authors, readers and listeners, in a perfect chorus of defiance.

Let us sieze this day, this forum and the song bottled within each of our souls to demand an end to the silence:

As one we say:

Mr. Baumgarten! Tear Down This Wall!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

מייש און בעני

אונזער הארציקער דאנק צו ברוך כהן

Monday, January 4, 2010

Forever One - Nissen Brenenson

Vote. How funny would it be then Brenenson? Huh? How would you like it if you won, Brenenson?

A Jewish Star: Nissen Brenenson from on Vimeo.