Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rabbi Yitzchok Levi Fifer - Moshe Yeaaaaahhhh!!!

Thanky Yanky for all of your uploads over the past couple of years. (Yanky A., under the Youtube handle yascher is singlehandedly responsible for the Minnesota 1981 concert clips that began appearing two years ago...)

It's something weird how everything is so right once nothing else can go wrong. How artists and leaders are posthumously relived, or their lives at least rewritten. And it's something beautiful too, especially once a hard trip* is completed.

This clip is from Shabbos On My Mind, a collection of stellar hits.
*Asterisk for those who read into the verbiage.


Moish said...

Avi, beautiful & poetic hesped.

SoMeHoW Frum said...

mechaye meisim

mechaye meisim II

BDE Moshe Yess

Avi said...

Thanks for these. Indeed, quite a gift to have these preserved. Insider's tip: stay tuned to yascher's Youtube channel...