Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Omnom • Dedi

After Monday's matchup, I began thinking of all the Dediness that came and conquered our first-generation CD Stereos around the time of the first Gulf War and disappeared on or around 9/11.

I thought of how Yossi Green took many of his weirdest and greatest rhyming risks with Dedi (chavro dichavroch, chavro is-a-leiii), composed some long and beautiful slow songs for him and backed him up on almost every song.

And I thought of Omnom. I thought of how MB wakes up every morning, looks at the cereal cabinet and says "Nomnomnomnom..." But, also, that this must be a powerful and beautiful piyut of some sort or another.

On research, it seems actually to be a powerful and slightly frightening passage from RaMChaL's Daas Tvunos:

...when a person is brought to his knees, this is Hashem cleansing him of his Yetzer Hora; showing the power of His Kingship; whenever He wants, He puts the world on tornado watch and He created, and He causes suffering and He crushes and He heals and this is an anchor of Jewish faith...: the worse it is for the creations, the greater might Hashem's omnipotent strength be revealed; from the depth of the worst suffering sprouts absolute and powerful redemption.
אמנם, הנה זה הוא מחוקו של היחוד העליון לבדו ב"ה - להראות עוצם ממשלתו השלמה; שכל הזמן שהוא רוצה, מניח העולם להיות סוער והולך בילדי הזמן, עת אשר שלט הרע בעולם; ולא עוד, אלא שאינו מעכב על ידי הרע הזה מעשות כל אשר בכחו לעשות, ואפילו מגיעות בריותיו עד הדיוטא התחתונה. אפס כי לא מפני זה יאבד עולמו, כי הממשלה לו לבדו, והוא עשה, והוא סובל, והוא מחץ, והוא ירפא, ואין עוד מלבדו. והנה זה יתד חזק לאמונת בני ישראל, אשר לא ירך לבם לא מאורך הגלות ולא ממרירותו הקשה, כי אדרבה, הרשה הקב"ה והניח לרע לעשות כל מה שבכחו לעשות, כמו שביארנו. ובסוף הכל - כל יותר שהקשה הרע את עול סבלו על הבריות, כן יותר יגלה כח יחודו ית' וממשלתו העצומה אשר הוא כל יכול, ומתוך עומק הצרות הרבות והרעות מצמיח ישועה בכחו הגדול ודאי.
Now, I did post this some years back. Read my comments then, to hear my reaction now.

Still love the song.


Shmuel said...

Based on the Ramchal you quote, I finally get the helicopter blades spinning at 0:55.

Shimbo said...

As usual, spot on with your Dedi/YG analysis.

IIRC Green writes on one of his album jackets that it was Dedi who encouraged him to start singing backup on the songs he composes, and for that we owe him a debt of gratitude.

Talking about that era, I think some of Greens nicest compositions never got their proper recognition because the singers never made it. A prime example is Dov Hoffmans Shomer Yisroel which disappeared for about 20 years before it was revived on Hipsh.

Chanoch said...

One of my all time favorites! Though now that I'm reading the words, it's kinda dark. I guess this is similar to the concept discussed in chasiddus of yerida tzoirech aliya.