Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Melody of Love • Bobby Vinton

Sooooo...that settles that. Number what is this? It's becoming tiring, MBD, to follow your trail...



Leibel said...

So, I was once writing this comment on this, like, blog. Anyways, I noted the author's grammar was off, I'm talking like glaring error.

So, this other dude, bluesycake85, said, "Hey, but your comment has grammar mistakes in it!!!!!1!" I was like, "Dude, who cares? At least I'm a fiscal conservative, not like the blood sucking parasitical liberals, but still compassionate to the outcast and downtrodden, unlike the narcissistic right."

Then he started screaming at me for a being a hypocrite, "How can you be a fan of the Steinbrenners?" I told him I'm not a fan of theirs, but rather the team they own, but did respect their collection of piranhas and love for canned tuna.

Then he got fed up with arguing with me, saying he would rather attend 15 asifas than reply to my comments, only to respond to 16 more of my comments within four days.

Thing is, if it was so tiring for him, why did he bother?

Peretz said...

Wikipedia: The original song was called Herzen haben keine Fenster ("Hearts have no windows") and was a hit in Germany and Austria as performed by Austrian singer Elfi Graf.

Ber said...

Some things have to be done for the greater good - even if it's tiring.