Thursday, December 8, 2011




Shmuel said...

Anyone betting that there is the Midda of not copying CD's on this album?

Peretz said...

yeah, it's called "forgoing an opportunity that is rightfully yours for the sake of another"

Leibel said...

How would they segue that? "Oh look, there's music coming from the CD player!"

Yammo said...

I really hope the music doesn't change from the style of the first three albums. A lot has changed in the synthesizer world since the '80s, but those cheesy synth sounds really grew on me.
So from the album cover it is apparent that President Reagan (The Gipper) will be part of the plot...

Yammo said...

By the way, if you buy it on MM before Shabbos, you get free shipping with the code MMFREESHIP or something like that.
Then again, you can wait for it to be $9.99+free shipping on Jewpon. Just saying.

Unknown said... does free shipping.

Shmuel said...


When will we get a taste of this?