Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Moses - Aaron Razel

Moses: Head Jew, 2368-2488.

Additional relevant info: The words are from the Gemoro describing where Moshe isn't buried.

מפני מה נסתתר קברו של משה? Why was Moshe's burial-place hidden from human discovery? Because Hashem knew well that the Beis Hamikdash was to be destroyed and the Jewish people exiled from their land... Lest they pass by Moshe's grave at that terrible moment and stand with tears flowing, begging Moshe, praying, saying: Moshe Rabbeinu! Stand up in prayer for us! And Moshe would stand up and successfully eradicate the decree.

The הגהות הב"ח concludes: From here we see that a Tzaddik is more cherished (i.e., listened to by Hashem) after his passing than even during his life.


1 comment:

Peretz said...

Ita refers to this song as "The Lai Lai Song". Just thought you should know.