Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ribono Shel Olam - Sefira (consolidated)





Peretz said...

i voted for rosenblatt but i think i wanna change my mind to koussevitski!

Avi said...

I voted for the guy with the blond dreads and the guitar. Is he still in?

But really: Rosenblatt I only have 30 seconds and I don't remember the piece offhand; Koussevitsky didn't post properly (as in it didn't post); Pinchik Was, Is and Will always be especially rocking in my book; Helfgott seems REALLY amateur in this recording! Shocking. SHO-cking. Hoarse, breathy, jumpy, ewwy. I vote send me Koussevitsky and Rosenblatt.

Pinchik @ 3:19 tops off a coloratura--tee.hee.hee.-- with one "aaaah" and decides he likes it so he does it again. Suryisly!

Peretz said...

avi: the koussevitzki is in quicktime format...

Avi said...

And it wasn't a malfunction, the 22:SOME-ODD MINUTES marker. It's actually that long. And very nice. Minus the Levenstien appearance at 10 minutes. Kidding, but seriously, kids in olden-day chazzanus kills me. Dead.

My vote goes here.

Anonymous said...

the koussevitzky shtikel is way to deep.it has to be played at a higher speed.he was a tenor not a baritone .

Anonymous said...

hey ,and i want to vote for kwarten too.

Anonymous said...

helfgot is pretty bad here ,although the ending is good.on the other hand it is not too original as he does it in every second song.

Anonymous said...

seriously ,what do you people see in rosenblatt? he has a sweet voice but besides that not much.

Anonymous said...

you got the concert pieces from koussevitzky yet?

Avi said...

1) Your MOTHER is a tenor! (Hey, I'm trying everything!)

2) Kwarten was not featured. Stop asking McD's for a Big Whopper; it's rude.

3) You have just answered your own earlier question: What is Helfgottizing? What Helfgott does to every shtickel.

4) We see the sweet voice, Anon. That is what we see in Rosenblatt and we like it. (Who is "You people" anyway?)

5) No. If you ask again I will block your IP address.

Anonymous said...

okay, fine . but at least play the koussevitzky shtikel at a higher speed.

Anonymous said...

oh, and my mother is a soprano.

Anonymous said...

granted, rosenblatt's voice is very sweet, but that is not enough to qualify him ``king of chazzanim".

Ber said...

Yes that's right. All he had was a sweet voice.
Who's your "king of Chazzanim"?

Shmuel said...

Based on his comments, i deduce, that his "King of Chazzonim" is prob Cantor Williams, (guy who makes havdala in 770...)