Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Terrible Tune Three Weeks • Cry No More!?!?

From our friends over at A.CRAP.ELLA. Incredulous marks added.

A general thought about acapella: There are some super talented and extremely listenable acapella groups. They tend to use their voices to create a unique listening experience. They do NOT tend to approximate the sounds of actual music using their mouths and a whammy-happy technical team. A cheeseburger made of soy cheese and fish cakes is neither a cheeseburger nor edible.


Chanoch said...

I have to say that for acappella, I've heard much worse. Have an easy fast everyone.

Yammo said...

TTT indeed, but no impressed. I think you raised the terrible-tune bar with last week's "De Seengerz" singing "Mosai". That was a bunch of jaw-opening horribleness. Kind of like the song equivalent of "Springtime for Hitler" (anyone know what I'm talking about?