Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Devai Haser - Shlomo Carlebach

Master of the world:
Protect our soldiers,
Protect our Holy Land,
Protect all the Yidden,
Protect the world
Protect Yerushalayim Ir Hakoidesh

The Piyut "דוי הסר" is said in the nussach ashkenaz zimun to Sheva Brachos. I don't really know what it means and I can't find the translation. It has to do with taking away nonsensical aggression, oppression and apathy and making way for new and joyous melody. Amen.

דוי הסר וגם חרון / ואז אלם בשיר ירון
נחנו מעגלי צדק / שעה ברכת בני אהרן

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