Monday, December 15, 2008

Раскинулось море широко - The Sea Stretches Wide


Shmuel said...

Translating the song on my own proved way to tedious for the time of night. I used Google Translate. Sorry אויב סקלעפט נישט א ווארט צו א ווארט

Raskinulos more shiroko,
I volny bushuiut vdali.
Tovarishch, my edem daleko,
Podalshe ot nashej zemli.

Sea spread widely,
And waves of rage away.
Comrade, are we going far
Away from our land.

Tovarishch, ia vakhty ne v silakh stoiat, Skazal kochegar kochegaru,
Ogni v moikh topkakh sovsem ne goriat, V kotlakh ne sderzhat mne uzh paru.

Comrade, I watch unable to stand,
He said fireman fireman,
The lights in my topkah not burn,
In boilers did not deter me too few.

Ty vakhty ne konchil - ne smeesh brosat, Mekhanik toboj nedovolen,
Ty k doktoru dolzhen pojti i skazat, Lekarstvo on dast, esli bolen.

You watch not finished - not smeesh throw,
Engineer you unhappy,
You should go to the doctor and say, Medicine, he gives when sick.

Na palubu vyshel, soznania uzh net,
V glazakh ego vse pomutilos,
Uvidel na mig oslepitelnyj svet,
Upal - serdtse bolshe ne bilos.

On deck out, so there is no consciousness, In his eyes, all muddy, Saw on the garish lights blink, Fell - the heart no longer bilos.

Naprasno starushka zhdet syna domoj, Ej skazhut - ona zarydaet,
A volny begut ot vinta za kormoj
I sled ikh vdali propadaet...

In vain old son waiting for home
She will say - she zarydaet,
A wave of fleeing from the screw astern And trace them away disappears...

Anonymous said...

Why did you skip the stanzas that do not sound too appropriate for a jewish song?