Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gevalt! - R' Shlomo Carlebach


Avi said...

From whence does this song originate? Who knows? You knows?

Anonymous said...

Chabad Sefer Niggunim.

Avi said...

Yes, but where?

Shmuel said...

From Sefer Hannigunim niggun 259 (Free Translatin)

The Toichen of the niggun with yiddish words, is to inspire yiden to wake up in the morning and serve hashem.

The song is "meragla b'pemaihu" of the chabad chasidim from nevel. Words commited to paper from the mouth of shneur zalmen levin kfar chabad

Shmuel said...

I gues Shlomo was a Neveler at heart. I wonder what Zhora would say about it...

Reb Peretz A"H (a neveler) would mistame answer him "farf avek dain pusten yichus"

Levi said...

The song was first published by Platon Brounoff 1863-1924 in a collection titled יודישע פאלקס ליעדער / צוזאממענגעקליעבען אונד אראנזשירט ביי פלאטאן ברונאף
The song appears as well in Sefer Hanigumin #259 and was introduced by the Chasidim from Nevel.
Interesting enough Nevel is only a short distance from St Petersburg where Brounoff was from.
Follow this link track 3 to hear Fischel Beigel (a Bobover) sing it.

Levi said...

you beat me there Shmuel

Shmuel said...


Thanks for link.

Was MBD's Ezuhu Mekoman also composed by Platon Brounoff?

Anonymous said...

wow, that version is quite diff to shlomo's more depressive and drag-ged one.


Avi said...

[dictated by the Noider]:
Although Eizehu Mikoman is of the oldies Jewish music style--back when our fathers tended their flock and listened to music on their portable record players--this particular song was composed by R' Yossele Mandelbaum and was released in 1974. Brounoff was dead before Calvin Coolidge entered office.

Shmuel said...


Nevel lies about 300 miles south of Sankt Peterburg; and 300 miles west of Moskva. Its almost a perfect triangle between the three cities.

Do you really think that Brounoff's living in Petersburg, had an influence on the Neveler populace?

P.S. Some may ask, why I refer to Nevel as a city, when in fact its merely a hamlet...

The answer is in the following story.

איימעצער האט אמאל געטראפן מיין זיידע משה ע"ה און עם גערפרעגט : פון וואנעט זייט איר? ענטפערט עם ער, אז ער איז פון נעוועל. פרעגט דער צווייטער, נעוועל, איך האב קיינמאל נישט געהערט פון אזא פלאץ? ענטפערט עם דער זיידע: קיינמאל נישט געהערט פון נעוועל? ס'איז דאך א שטאט מיט אכט וואגזאלען!