Sunday, January 27, 2008

U'vedivrei Kodshecha - Moshe Koussevitzky

This is one of the first pieces I learned from my brother when I was a little boy (SIGH), he changed the ending to fit the Lubavitch nusach so I only knew his warped version, but it's still a wonderful piece.

AVI, you will love the music at about 1:44.


Avi said...

Looooove it! Whose is it?

Shmuel said...

Thanks Peretz!!!

Anonymous said...

if you guy s want to hear some good chazzanus you should get koussevitzky's concert pieces

Shmuel said...


You have any idea were to get the concert tapes? I've heard that his last concert in Jewish Center AKA Oholi Torah, was somthing special!

If you know were to get them, please let us know.

Anonymous said...

eichlers .but they don't have a lot of his concerts and the quality of some recordings are terrible .still some are good, might as well try but they might not have any left.i find that in his originals he gives the bare minimum while in his concerts he really lets loose .one or two of his originals however are unsurpassed ,such as this one and the end of k'dusha by musaf.also the coloratura that he does on v'taher lebeinu is phenomenal .you should hear helfgot do l'dor v'dor. he does it really nice and he adds a lot but when he comes to m'pinu lo yamush,chalushis! also if you listen closely M.K.has better control on naagid paz sells the shabbos cd ,and songs 3, 5, and 10 on the first cd are from a concert recorded on shabbos.

Anonymous said...

you could also try nachum segal's online music store .some recordings need to be played at a high speed because his voice comes oot deeper than it really was.