Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mi Kashem • Tzlil V'Zemer 5 // Let Us Grow

Piccolo, piccolo, what do you say?
I say: Bass and Cello, come out to play!
Bass and cello, bass and cello, what do you say?
I say: violin let's make Avi's day!

Mi Kashem by Tzlil Vezemer on Grooveshark

Contrast this—music, harmony, arrangements, Avrohom Rosenberg's restraint—with today's choirs and choirleaders. If you need to appreciate this more.

1 comment:

  1. When I used to shop for a suit--when I used to shop for suits--I'd pick one out then continue shopping. If I walked passed a suit on the rack or on a mannequin and loved it, and it turned out to be the one I'd already selected, this would be my confirmation that it is inherently pleasing to me.

    All this to explain that I am on a Tzlil v'zemer bend on Grooveshark and loving it. And my ears just perked up to an especially beautiful tune. On closer focus, it was Mi Kashem.

    It is inherently pleasing. I will buy.


If it's not worth taking credit for, it's probably not worth saying!