Monday, May 14, 2012

Welcome to the family Menucha Basya

May you be a source of Simcha and Or to your parents and to Klal Yisroel. Mazel Tov!


  1. Also, if anyone has any info on who is singing etc, thanks.

  2. That would be Menucha. Another boy band produced, composed, arranged, etc. by Eli Gerstner.

    Notice the big shout out to themselves at the end, a great way to end the final song of their debut album.

  3. Thank you Peretz, for the thoughtful post and meaningful Brochos. Thank you Ber for your expert help and good wishes. And thank you Yammo! For everything, always!

  4. Mazal Tov Avi. You surfaced pretty fast! :)

    Loads of Nachas and Gezunt mitoch Harchava Bgu"r

  5. Mazal Tov.

    what is with the blog's policy of posting awful songs upon the birth of girls?


If it's not worth taking credit for, it's probably not worth saying!