Thursday, March 1, 2012

**NEW!** Yehalelu - Avraham Fried

Ber says he has a Taiva for this and "Oif a Taiva iz kein kasha..."

The rest of the world believes this is not the best song on the recording...


  1. So... which one do you think the best?

  2. Not that I necessarily think it's the best song, I just find myself singing/humming this one all day - annoying everyone around me.

  3. Ber, this is one fight you will regret.

  4. After listing to this song on a loop for last 45 minutes or so, I have to say that it certainly has lots of listenability. I particularly like the very short intro, and how it he gets straight into it, and the flute about half way through.

    Avremel sounds fantastic.


If it's not worth taking credit for, it's probably not worth saying!