Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ad Ana Hashem? - Mesikus 3

Besides for this being a beautiful niggun in a sweet recording, it is saved in our music folder as "Poilisher Kid" making it both a wonderful track and a very, very funny one.


  1. Also, it's important to keep this in the public consciousness.

  2. Speaking of folders, mine is saved under Various Artists/mix/Ad Unu (Avi, do you remember what else is one there?)

  3. "sweet recording" as in mesikus 3, (the name of the album) or unintentional punnery?

  4. Peretz, o course! I started typing an arichus this morning but deleted when it got too "you had to be there..." California trip 2004; track before was Aibishter and track after was Hotel California.

    Leibel: I did not know the name of the recording. Chalk another to the Shem's detailed guidance. Thanks for Ananim!!!



If it's not worth taking credit for, it's probably not worth saying!