Sunday, February 1, 2009

Habein Yakir Li - Tzlil V'Zemer 5

So, this is a Nevuah of Jeremiah Ch. 31. Only I don't think he prophecied "31." It was probably more of an organizational thing later on.

Aaaanyway, turns out this is the same nevuah as "כה אמר ה' מצא חריין במדבר" which is funny if it's funny that two choirs chose lyrics from this perek. It's also the same nevuah as "הנני מביא אותם מארץ צפון" which is not a song so far as I know unless it's a song that I don't know about and it's also the same nevuah as "קול ברמה נשמה" and "רחל מבכה על בניה" and "מני קולך מבכי" which is back to the first funny because the SAME choir chose two songs on one album from the same perek. Which reminds me of about four or five tangentially related items that I have no reason to share here but are alternately funny, sad and obnoxious. Does obnoxious have anything to do with "noxious?" What does noxious mean? Isn't that something that gives off an overpoweringly noxious smell--oops! I just answered my own question! Can anyone guess what book--or which author--I'm in middle of by the number of non-topics I've introduced in this one post?

This is the same nevuah too as "נקבה תסובב גבר" the significance of which I have yet to decide or decipher.

But the song posted is: הבן יקיר לי אפרים אם ילד שעשעים כי מדי דברי בו זכר אזכרנו עוד על כן המו מעי לו רחם ארחמנו נאם ה' Which means something like I love you Jews, says the Lrd.

יש תקוה לאחריתנו

Cute: The kid at 2:02 is Rocky Ziegler. Do you know who that is? Oh.

The answer is Michael Savage: Psychological Nudity.

UPDATE: Noxious actually means "physically harmful or destructive to living beings." Which probably made me associate the word with smells that are that. But it doesn't MEAN smelly. Obnoxious is something that is "disgustingly objectionable." From the Latin Noxa and not from the Latin "Nexo" or such which had to do with Necro and dead but I closed that page so I'm back dumb.


  1. I seriosuly gave myself a headache readint this post. I apologize.

  2. was there npot enough room in the post to add that? or did you just want to annoy us here too?


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